UJ's Distinguished Achievements

University of Jordan Alumni: Leading Figures in Global Banking

The University of Jordan (UJ) continues to solidify its reputation as a premier institution for nurturing exceptional leaders across various sectors. Notably, 18 of its distinguished alumni are currently serving as CEOs of prominent local, regional, and international banks, including the Central Bank of Jordan. These accomplished individuals are at the helm of some of the most influential financial institutions, demonstrating the far-reaching impact of a UJ education.

Among the banks led by UJ alumni are:

His Excellency Dr. Adel Sharkas.png

​Central Bank of Jordan

(His Excellency Dr. Adel Sharkas)

Kamal Al-Bakri.png
 Cairo Amman Bank
 (Kamal Al-Bakri)

Dawod Al Ghoul.png

Capital Bank of Jordan

(Dawod Al Ghoul)

Caesar Hani Aziz Qulajen.png

Jordan Commercial Bank

 (Caesar Hani Aziz Qulajen)

Ahmad Awd Alhussein.png

Jordan Ahli Bank

(Ahmad Awd Alhussein)

Nadia Al Saeed.png

 Bank al Etihad

 (Nadia Al Saeed)

Hussein Said Mohammad.png

Jordan Islamic Bank

(Hussein Said Mohammad "Ammar" Saifan)

Samer Al-Tamimi.png

 Safwa Islamic Bank

 (Samer Al-Tamimi)

Muhannad Mukahall.png

Standard Chartered-Qatar

(Muhannad Mukahall)

Iyad Ghasoub Asali.png

 Islamic International Arab Bank

 (Iyad Ghasoub Asali)

Ghadeer Abu Hijleh.png


(Ghadeer Abu Hijleh)​

Adnan Al-Araj.png

Blom Bank

 (Adnan Al-Araj)

Nour Jarrar.png


(Nour Jarrar)

Saleh Rajab Hammad.png

 Bank of Jordan

 (Saleh Rajab Hammad)

Tamer Ghzaleh.png

Bank Audi-Lebanon

(Tamer Ghzaleh)

Ayman Abu Dhaim.png

 Iraq National Bank

 (Ayman Abu Dhaim)

Nidal Barghouti.png

Safa Bank Palestine

(Nidal Barghouti)

These CEOs exemplify the university's dedication to cultivating leaders with a strong foundation in business acumen, ethical practices, and innovative thinking. Their journey from the lecture halls of UJ to the executive suites of leading banks reflects the high caliber of education and mentorship provided by the institution.

The influence of UJ alumni in the banking sector is not limited to Jordan. Their leadership extends to prestigious international banks, showcasing the global reach of their expertise. At banks like Standard Chartered-Qatar, QNB-Geneva, Blom Bank, and Bank Audi-Lebanon, these leaders are instrumental in driving growth, fostering financial stability, and promoting economic development.

In Jordan, UJ alumni are pivotal in shaping the country's financial landscape. The Central Bank of Jordan, along with major commercial and Islamic banks such as Cairo Amman Bank, Capital Bank of Jordan, Jordan Commercial Bank, and Jordan Ahli Bank, benefit from their strategic vision and leadership. These CEOs are crucial in implementing policies that enhance the banking sector's resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving global economy.

The success of these 18 alumni underscores the University of Jordan's role in preparing its graduates for significant leadership roles. Through rigorous academic programs, real-world experiences, and a commitment to excellence, UJ continues to produce professionals who are equipped to navigate complex financial environments and drive positive change.

In conclusion, the University of Jordan's impact on the global banking sector is profound. The achievements of its alumni as CEOs of major banks highlight the institution's commitment to excellence and its role as a cornerstone in the professional development of future leaders. As these UJ graduates continue to excel, they reinforce the university's legacy of producing influential figures who shape the world of finance both locally and internationally.