Good Governance and Modern Management
Good Governance and Modern Management at the University of Jordan Strategic Plan (2022-2027)
The University of Jordan has set a key strategic goal focused on "Good Governance and Modern Management." The goal is supported by the following set of strategic objectives:
The University of Jordan Strategic Plan (2022-2027), includes one of the key strategic goal focused on Good governance and modern management to achieve this goal, the following strategic objectives have been set:
- Strengthening good governance practices including participation, transparency, justice, gender equality, accountability, and effectiveness.
- Anchoring quality assurance practices and rooting values of quality and accreditation.
- Developing institutional performance to keep pace with global best practices.
- Achieving financial stability for the University by diversifying funding sources.
- Enhancing digital transformation and automating processes and procedures.
Assessment of Staff and Students' satisfaction with the University's adherence to good governance practices
To assess the Staff and student's satisfaction with the University's adherence to good governance practices, the university assesses the satisfaction rate among staff and students annually, utilizing a questionnaire set for this purpose. According to the data analysis and results of the data collected related to staff and student satisfaction, an improvement plan will be suggested and implemented.
- Staff satisfaction with the University's adherence to good governance practices
- Students' satisfaction with the University's adherence to good governance practices
The Good Governance Officer
The University of Jordan has appointed an officer dedicated to promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion. This officer plays a crucial role in advising on and implementing policies, programs, and training initiatives related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights on campus.
Dr. Shera Mahasneh
Ext : 26241