EU projects

MENA Hybrid Solar System


HYMENSO aims to support the implementation of solar energy systems in the MENA region by following a holistic approach covering aspects of cost, reliability and dispatchability. A combination of PV (Photovoltaics) and CSP (Concentrating Solar Power) systems is investigated, in order to harvest the advantages of both systems.






Main scientific objectives:


• Create a data base of relevant local conditions for CSP and PV plants, such as meteorological data, industry capacity, energy demand, current energy production, and grid capacity of the participating MENA countries.


• Develop country specific solar energy roadmaps and concepts for combination of PV and CSP.


• Enhance local participation through capacity building and dissemination of results.


• Produce specifications of hybrid systems, to be applied on future prototypes and demonstrators to be developed in the continuity of this project.


• Demonstrate available subsystems in pilot applications.






1- German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany


2-The Universityof Jordan, Jordan


3-Centre de Développement des EnergiesRenouvelables (CDER), Algeria


4-Researchand Technology Center of Energy (CRTEn), Tunisia


5-University of Patras, Greece


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