EU projects

Vocational training center for undergraduate university students and teachers in Jordan (VTC)

VTC project aims to construct a vocational training center for graduate and undergraduate students in partners universities; to apply a vocational training for the students to enhance and to develop their abilities and to build bridges between their theoretical study and vocational training skills; and also to develop a vocational training program in order to create and publish common methodology and legal documentation for the lifelong Learning, Elearning and Distant Education, practical training for all universities in Jordan in accordance with European standard. Furthermore; the project aims to develop and to enhance the staff abilities who will lead the vocational training.

The project is coordinated by Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK) in Germany, who is responsible for the successful project completion, with twelve partners from Germany, Slovakia, Portugal, Spain and Jordan.


The role of the University of Jordan in this project include developing the abilities of the staff who will lead the vocational training in the university; coordinating and managing the project activities; adopting Elearning and Distant Education to educational processes in Jordan; contributing in the Networking of the companies and to develop the public administrations; Improving connections between higher education and society; implementing and managing the interactive platform for distance learning; satisfying industry and economical needs by empowering target groups with limited access to classical education forms; updating the didactic material and to develop a new and effective training methods; participating in the monitoring of the project, providing index and planning; participating in surveying and benchmarking activities; implementing and managing the interactive platform for distance learning.




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